sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Funny little interactions during the week

So, on Wednesday, one of the teachers from the elementary school (I think maybe 1st or 2nd grade) came and found me in my class to ask me how to pronounce "pirámide" (pyramid) and "cilindro" (cylinder) in English. After I told her, she laughed and said that she had been saying pyramid with a long "i" sound for the "y" so it sounded like "pieramid." I felt so useful. :)

And then Thursday, I was helping the teacher of my class Miss Habith (pronounced "habeed") finish up the craft for Dia del Padre (which is today); I got to use this glittery glue stuff to decorate these little blue foam guitars that the teacher's assistant had cut out, and the kids were mesmerized by the sparkle. Enrique and Illianna, two of the adorable students in the class, were trying to ask me something. And I didn't understand them at all. I asked "que?" (what?) and still, no comprehension. So, I just did what I normally do when that happens and kinda smiled, but looked confused at the same time, and said "si." Then Ilianna proceeded to whisper something in Spanish to Enrique, and the conversation proceeded like this:

Enrique: Ella dice que no puedes hablar espanol.
Me: Si, no muy bien. Pero, tu no puedes hablar ingles como yo.
Enrique: Que? Habla en ingles.
Me: Say something in English? But you won't understand me.
Enrique: Que?? Que es eso?
Me: Ingles. Dije que tu no puedes entenderme cuando yo hablo ingles.

And Enrique kind of scrunched up his face in a cute way and walked off.

And then on Friday, during another conversation with Enrique, he informed me that I talked weird. Sometimes, little kids have such a great way of saying things just right.

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