lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Horchata y elote loco

Elote loco or "crazy corn" is a fun twist on a typical El Salvadoran food. Mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, "salsa negra" and cheese all piled on a very large piece of corn. It actually was quite delicious once I got used to it. Horchata is also a traditional El Salvadoran drink that I had on Sunday at this beautiful park-- it tastes kind of like milk with cinnamon and some kind of cream. I could feel the granules of cinnamon on my teeth when I drank it- que rica!

Today was my first day going to school-- I'm in a class full of kindergarteners and their vocabulary is much more advanced than mine. I feel like I need to be the student, not them. But they are so precious and full of life! I love them already. When I told one little girl, Ilianna, that I was from the United States, her eyes got HUGE and she threw her hands up in the air and said "Los Estados Unidos? De verdad??" It was so cute.

Oh, on a side note-- I apologize in advance for my lack of pictures on this blog. My digital camera was stolen at the end of the school year so all I have right now is a party camera. Any pictures that I post will more than likely already be posted on facebook, courtesy of one of the Maeda's picture phones. Like the picture above.

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