sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

One week in El Salvador

Well, today is Saturday, and I've been here in the beautiful country of El Salvador for a little over a week. And I'm lovin it. Granted, I still don't speak Spanish very well, but I'm going to be here for almost nine weeks, so no worries-- there's still plenty of time for improvement. I just have so much ground to cover, sometimes I feel like it's impossible. Ugh.

Further update from the last entry: Dome, informed by my lack of a camera from reading my blog, is allowing me to use a digital camera while I'm here. Good news, yes? So, that means that I'll be able to post lots of pictures, either here or on facebook of all my wild escapades...if only I actually remembered I had a camera to take pictures sometimes...

Here's a food update: I love El Salvadoran food. It's very different, and I have rice and beans with almost every meal (not really...but maybe), but the beans are so much better than the tex-mex version I don't mind one bit. The tortillas and tamales are different here too, but still delicious. I've also had watermelon juice. And not suprisingly, it tasted just like watermelons.

School update: 5 year olds are exhausting. But still, quite cute. But I accidentally said kind of a not okay word in front of a few the other day in Spanish. I was trying to call them bad little kids, right? They were being perverted. So, to make words smaller or say "little" you put words into a diminutive form. Like mesa (table) becomes mesita (little table). So, I called them ninos malditos...and their faces were priceless. I didn't know at the time that I had said a quasi-bad word (translates as damn it, but it's not really considered a swear word in Spanish, or so they tell me. Just a bad expression.) but their reactions definitely clued me in. Hopefully, this will be the only slip up...

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