sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

La dentista

Yesterday I paid a visit to a dentist to have my teeth cleaned-- it's been more than a year since I last had a cleaning, and its waaaayyy cheaper to get in done in El Salvador than in the States (a measly $30 compared to prices around $100) So. It made sense to do it in El Salvador! Plus, the dentist is a friend of the family here and I've met him a couple of different times at church functions. His name is Cesar, but everyone calls him "el pelón" which means "bald." Anyway, it was a very productive appointment (funny at times as well-- I don't know a whole lot of vocabulary that has to do with dentist visits, but I learned some new words) and my teeth are all clean!

One little interesting observation about my visit-- the dentist office was at his house! He has his own little space that includes a waiting area and the actual room with all the equipment; and it's just him there. There's no dental assistants, no secretary, no other dentist sharing the building. Dome told me that it's quite common here, but there dentists who have their practices located in office buildings as well as are bigger "clinics" with several dentists in the same building, but they're usually more expensive.

Tonight was Walter's (Brenda and Dome's brother, Paty's son) birthday so I just got back from his birthday dinner at Sushi Itto-- I was very upset when my bill came bc it turns out that I was charged $6 for my drink, only $.50 less than my actual sushi! Apparently, my drink was a "double"-- I have no recollection of the waitress asking me anything of the kind, and if she did I didn't understand her. Que barbaridad.

Before the birthday dinner, I spend the majority of my day doing a lot of laundry and just chilling. It's been raining pretty hard outside for the past couple of hours. It'll make a nice background noise for going to sleep.

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