domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

My Spanish speaking debut...kinda

So, last night I spoke in the youth group service (I'm posting this past midnight, so technically Friday night)-- I gave the offering message and told a little bit of the story of how/why I ended up coming to El Salvador to try and encourage the youth to trust in God and do so by giving. I spoke for the first part in Spanish; I was really nervous actually, but they cheered me on when I made a mistake at the beginning and then after that the words flowed pretty well. And then I got to a point where I needed to talk in English because not only was the concept a little more complicated, but it also would've honestly taken 30 minutes for me to say I wanted with the limited vocabulary that I, I just had a friend, Marimar (her full name is Maria del Mar...sooo beautiful) translate the last part for me. She speaks English very well, of course.

As for today, I actually felt a little bit sick this afternoon. Headache, a little queasiness, and just an overall feeling of blahness. So, I skipped out on the plans I had with Gracia (sorry!!) and came home and rested. And now I'm getting ready to go to bed!

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