viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

...not keeping up with mi trabajo

To all my faithful readers (Mom, Dad, Nate and Amelia)-- I'm terribly sorry that I haven't posted here in a week. Life just gets busy, and I admit that sometimes I just don't want to write. But then I remember all of my loving family/friends at home and remember my purpose for writing in the first place.

So, the week's been a little different than normal. Really Tuesday was different. I didn't go to CEFAS that day and instead went with a group of American missionaries to Apopa. How do I know these people? Well, I didn't. Gracia translates with a NGO that accepts American teams sometimes though, and she invited me to go with her. It was a very interesting and fun experience, especially not being on the missions team but rather an outsider who could still speak the team's language. I'm so used to how ORU does missions. I really enjoyed being able to communicate with both the team and Salvadoreans. The team hailed from Lancaster, PA, and I think some of the conservative lifestyle of the Amish infiltrated this teams' lifestyle in the states (and therefore their actions here). But, we worked in a medical clinic pretty much all day in Apopa, an area that is not only poor, but quite dangerous due to gang violence, and I worked mostly with deworming kids. All this involves really is getting the kids to open their mouths and take this nasty looking white medicine (it brought back bad memories from childhood sicknesses)-- they never failed to either spit it out or at least make a "this is disgusting" face, but we gave them a sucker afterwards. All better. Just like the doctor's office.

Tomorrow is Gracia's birthday, so I'm going out to eat with her and her friends tonight. It should be fun-- loud and lots of Spanish!

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