martes, 12 de julio de 2011

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

So, I haven't uploaded any pictures in a little while. So, that's what I figured I'd do with this post.

These first few pictures are looooonnnnng overdue. They're from June 25th, the day I went to Izalco with Gracia and her family.

 Foosball game with Gracia...and I'm very proud to say that the gringa beat the latina.  This is the winner's score. (That would be me.)

Poor little salvadoreña.

 Iglesia de Izalco.
I orginally wasn't going to take a picture because I didn't want to look like a tourist, and I said so to Gracia. She just looked at me and said, "Natalie. You already look like a tourist without your camera out. You might as well. Go across the street and take the picture." So I did.

View down the main street with my back to the front of the church

The next day, I went to the opening service of the CEFAD branch in Sonsonate. None of the pictures really turned out very good, but I'm uploading some anyway. Just for you.

The service

The skit. And yes, that's me in the white and blue.

In the kid's service after the "parting of the Red Sea" in the kid's skit.

All the helpers with the kids at the end-- Silly faces!

This is from the following weekend (July 2nd, I believe.) Instead of handing grades out to kids at school once the 6 or 9 weeks period ends, at my school, they had a little performance and then a kind of awards ceremony, and then the teacher hands all the parents their children's grades. The K-5 classes demonstrated their knowledge of English and sang a vowel song and Jesus Loves Me. These are my kids. :)

And now for a few school pictures. The kids love it when I pull out the camera.

Some of my little girls: Karina, Arianna, Daniela, and Valeria

This is Camila-- she always seems to be glued to my side or remind me that her first name is "Nathalie"

Ana Fiorella, Daniela, Jorge, Carlos, Belen, and Arianna...of course, Jorgito is making a face.

Marlon and Enrique. Typical. 

I know I didn't say a lot in this post, but it honestly has taken a long time to write it bc of all the pictures. (It takes forever to upload pics on this blog!) I do have more pictures/stories that I could write about, but I'm going to forgo that until tomorrow (or perhaps Thursday). It's a little late for me. Goodnight!

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